Trying to justify not voting for Barack Obama. Apparently white Americans must make excuses "for why they're not supporting" him. Not that those "excuses" will be accepted. After all, there can be only one excuse. No racism in the presidential election?:
...some white Americans are turning themselves inside out to come up with excuses for why they're not supporting Obama. It seems like just yesterday that these folks were arguing there is no racism in the immigration debate, and now they're insisting there is no racism in the presidential election.
Who are "these folks"? I guess he's talking about me. I oppose illegal immigration and there's no way in hell I would vote for Barack Obama. But he's wrong about one thing, I'm not turning myself inside out to come up with any excuses. Obama is a far left liberal democrat and illegal immigration is illegal. I'm not for either one. Period. Or maybe he's just talking about Democrats who won't vote for Obama, as if Hillary Clinton just came out of nowhere and a vote for her is necessarily a vote against Obama. The reality is, it is Obama who came out of nowhere, he has not even served a full term in the Senate, and has spent most of that time running for President. Maybe the more voters learn about Obama the more they realize he is too inexperienced, and if his "past" associations are any indication, too extreme, to be a viable candidate for President of the United States. But what do I know?
Some want to know why it isn't racist when 70 percent of African-Americans vote for Obama but it is when 70 percent of whites vote against him.
The answer has to do with history. Over the decades, black Americans have had plenty of opportunities to vote for white people for president. And they have done so. But this is the first time that white Americans have a chance to vote for an African-American with a shot at the presidency. And what are they doing?
Answer? Mr. Navarrette says: Many are responding quite well. In other words, those white Americans who do not support Obama are not responding quite well. He seems to be saying that in order to prove one is not a racist one must vote for Obama:
Many are responding quite well. Obama won the votes of many, to borrow a phrase, "hardworking white Americans," in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. But, elsewhere, as Obama said in a recent interview, people may need to get their head around the concept of an African-American even seeking the presidency, let alone winning it.
Assuming Obama is the nominee, this is what we have to look forward to.
By the way, this racist Conservative voted for Alan Keyes in the 1996 Republican primary. So Mr. Navarrette, this white American had a chance to vote for an African-American and I did. Instead of slandering voters who do not agree with your vision, maybe you should take a closer look at your candidate. He is not presidential. Not by a long shot.
Makes me sick to see how he is treated with kid gloves! He doesn't even know how many states we have! If anyone else had said that, they'd never hear the last of it!
I am so sick of these people!
Posted by: linda | May 14, 2008 at 03:30 PM
It's just too easy to cry racism. It's a cop out but too many people buy into it. Someday the race mongers will overplay their hand. Hope it's not too late.
Posted by: Julie | May 14, 2008 at 04:25 PM
RACIST! You don't like Obama so naturally you are a RACIST! LOLOLOLOL People kill me.
Is there a word to describe people who hate OLD people? We can start calling people who oppose McCain that name.
Posted by: c.a. Marks | May 15, 2008 at 08:03 AM
Ha ha! I'm in good company! And I love your idea about McCain. Let's get to work on that. How about Oldaphobics? Or Geezerists? I'm sure you can come up with something better. :)
Posted by: Julie | May 15, 2008 at 11:10 AM
The funny thing is that most blacks vote for Obama purely for his race, yet this is apparently irrelevant and not racist.
I'm sure there are some whites that won't vote for Obama based on his color, but most won't vote for him because of his stance on policies, or lack thereof. Of those whites who do vote for him, I feel some will out of guilt and shame and some because they want to be a part of history.
Frighteningly some will vote for him because they believe in his liberal views and even more frightening, some will vote for him despite his liberal views.
Posted by: Scott Allan | May 15, 2008 at 07:46 PM
Scott, You've touched on something that really does frighten me. That so many people do believe in his liberal views. I can't believe so many in our country are willing to hand over their freedom (and ours right along with it) to a bunch of politicians in Washington. They are willing to turn their health care over to a bunch of lawyers? How can that possibly be a good idea?
Of course you are right that some people will not vote for Obama because he's black. Just as some won't vote for Hillary because she's a woman. And that is a shame. But I also agree with you that there are plenty of other reasons, valid reasons, why people won't, and shouldn't, vote for either one of them.
Posted by: Julie | May 15, 2008 at 08:40 PM